The must-have platform for business advisory firms

Brieff structures and tailors your firm's advisory, unlocking a more impactful and scalable service.
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Trusted by and built alongside leading advisory firms

Enhance and grow your service

Serve more clients
Structure and streamline your service. Centralised information and automated workflows drive efficiency and consistency across your firm.
Highlight your value
Share every step of the advisory journey with each client to showcase your impact and keep them engaged.
Remove guesswork
Know exactly what your clients need and how they're feeling at every stage of their advisory journey.

Productise and systemise your service to realise your firm's advisory potential

Seamless client Check-ins

Easily create and send "Check-ins" to your clients to gain valuable insights ahead of your meetings. Use Brieff’s question bank and templates, or create your own!

Powerful meeting  workflows

Prepare, complete, and close your advisory meetings using powerful meeting workflows! Dashboards, templates, agendas, notes, and meeting summaries are just a few of the ways these workflows drive efficiency and consistency across your firm.

Client journey

Use goals, key results, and actions to create a traceable and measurable journey for every client. Showcase achievements to demonstrate the value you drive through your advisory service.


What our users are saying

"The traditional way of delivering advisory to clients can be ad hoc and senior team-heavy. Enter Brieff, allowing you to step into the future of advisory.
Brieff has helped to systemise our advisory offerings with scheduled client check-ins, helping to improve oversight and client relationships, build processes into regular advisory meetings (to allow team members at every level to be involved) with question stacks and customised agendas, and so much more. Everything you need for your advisory meetings all in one place (future and historic), we are ALL IN to that."
Aly Garrett
Founder, All In Advisory
"Before Brieff, our major pain points revolved around a lack of structure in meetings and scattered notes and actions. It felt like we were always playing catch-up, and we struggled to focus on what truly mattered to our clients.

What I appreciate the most about Brieff is its centralised platform that elegantly combines notes, actions, and pre-meeting check-ins. The pre-meeting check-ins have been game-changing; they allow us to customise advisory sessions based on what our clients actually need, making our service genuinely collaborative.

Since implementing Brieff, not only has our internal process improved dramatically, but we've also been able to deliver a much more tailored and impactful service to our clients."
Jason Robinson
Director, Future Advisory
"Prior to using Brieff, the open-ended nature of business advisory meant that our processes for delivering were subpar. Brieff has assisted us in creating some structure around advisory.  My favourite thing is the clarity I get from client check-ins that helps me guide the conversations into the areas that they find most valuable."
Chris Davey
Founder, Accountica

The must-have platform for business advisory firms