Empowering accounting teams to deliver more advisory

Brieff's platform provides the tools and processes your team needs to deliver advisory, so you can grow your service with confidence.
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Unlock your firm's advisory potential


Lean on your team.

Brieff's powerful advisory workflows allow your team to effectively prep, deliver and close out client meetings.

Make use of agenda and Check-in templates to guide the team and drive consistency across your service.

What I appreciate most about Brieff is its centralised platform that elegantly combines agendas, notes, actions, goals, and pre-meeting Check-ins.

Jason Robinson
Director, Future Advisory


Build advisor confidence.

Take the pressure off your advisors by using Brieff's client Check-ins - tech-driven pre-meeting questionnaires that can be sent and completed with ease.

Check-ins let your team know exactly how to add value for a client, and give them the opportunity to hone their prep ahead of meetings.

The clarity I get from Check-ins  helps me guide conversations into areas that clients find the most valuable.

Chris Davey
Founder, Accountica


Uphold advisory quality.

Gain visibility of each advisory relationship by understanding how every advisory client feels about their business and their service.

Leverage centralised data in Brieff to proactively manage your clients and their advisors.

The ability to gauge how clients are feeling is great. I love how easy it is to use and monitor.

Stuart Brandman
Director, 542 Partners

What people are saying

Enter Brieff, allowing you to step into the future of advisory.

Brieff has helped to systemise our advisory offerings to allow team members at every level to be involved, improve oversight and client relationships through client Check-ins, and so much more!

Aly Garrett
All In Advisory

The pre-meeting Check-ins have been game-changing.

Since implementing Brieff, not only has our internal process improved dramatically, but we've also been able to deliver a much more tailored and impactful service to our clients.

Jason Robinson
Future Advisory

Brieff centralised our processes and has given our team structure.

The best part is having a platform to share with clients and interact with that keeps everyone accountable.  I love how easy it is to use and monitor.

Stuart Brandman
542 Partners

The Check-in questions about feeling and tracking have been great!

Check-ins are invaluable as they give us  insight into client’s issues before meetings, allowing us to adequately prepare and ensure our clients are getting the most value.

Blake Jenkins
Count Out Loud

Brieff has assisted us in creating structure around advisory.

My favourite thing is the clarity I get from client Check-ins that helps me guide the conversations into the areas that they find most valuable.

Chris Davey
Future Advisory

We now use Brieff for all our advisory clients, and it has become a one-stop-shop for us.

Brieff is simple to use, and I love the accountability of the action items. The reminders help me ensure I am being the best I can be for our clients.

Bree De Ponce Leon
Propeller Advisory

Used by a range of advisors

Whether you own an accounting practice, you're a business coach, or anything in between, Brieff can help.


Brieff has been purpose-built to help small- to medium-sized accounting firms grow advisory by empowering their teams.


Streamline your coaching service using Brieff and free up capacity so you can help more business owners do what they love.


Virtual CFOs use Brieff to make executing finance functions a breeze. Drive accountability and maximise efficiency with Brieff.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I put all my clients on Brieff?
It depends. Brieff has been purpose-built for clients that you're having regular meetings with.

If you're having regular meetings with all your clients, then absolutely! If, however, you have compliance-focused clients, we recommend only adding clients to Brieff who are receiving a form of advisory service. This will ensure you get the most value from your Brieff subscription and avoid cluttering the product with non-active clients.
Is Brieff a reporting tool?
No. Brieff has been built to give accounting firms the tools and processes they need to empower their team to deliver more advisory services. The product helps advisors have more impactful advisory conversations and relationships, and firms organise, streamline, and delegate advisory responsibilities.
How do clients receive Check-ins?
Clients are sent Check-ins through email, and can also be optionally sent as an SMS. After a client has completed their Check-in, they will receive an email with their completed response.
How many Check-ins can I send?
Unlimited! Your firm can send as many Check-ins as they like to as many contacts as they'd like.
Do clients need a login?
No, clients do not require a login. Clients receive Check-ins, meeting materials and action reminders through their email. Check-ins are also mobile-friendly, and can optionally be sent to the client as an SMS. No login is required.
Will clients complete their Check-in?
Our Check-in completion rate across the product is a healthy 80%. We are always striving to make it as easy as possible for clients to complete their Check-in. We also know that clients are busy, so we have automated Check-in reminders to save you from having to follow up with clients and help get you those valuable insights ahead of meetings.

Before sending a client their first Check-in, we also recommend letting clients know why using Brieff is important and what they can expect from the product. Firms can also send clients an onboard email directly from Brieff that contains more information about Brieff.
What if a client has multiple contacts?
Great! You can have as many contacts for a client as you'd like. Each contact can also be sent their own Check-in, which is a fantastic way to reveal a team's differences, alignments, and key discussion points.
Do you have integrations?
Yes! We have Microsoft Outlook Calendar and Google Calendar integrations to make managing meetings in Brieff quick and easy.
Do you integrate with a financial systems like Xero?
Not currently. Instead, we leverage insights from client Check-ins to help guide and provide context to advisory meetings.
How do I get support if I need help?
We have a Slack channel where we love to hear from users about feedback, support, and even product ideas! Additionally, are always available over email and keen to meet in person when possible.

Here to help

Whether it's a question about the product, anything advisory related, or anything in between - we're here to help.